74 year old male with chest pain and breathlessness

 A 74 years old male ,fruit vendor by occupation came to the OPD with a cheif complaints of 

chest pain since 2 months

Breathlessness since 2 months

History of presenting illness 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years ago Then he developed burning sensation in the chest and went to hospital and diagnosed with some GI disease.

 5 years back the patient underwent cataract surgery in the right eye 

2 years back patient developed bilateral knee pain for which he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and then he was also diagnosed with hypertension and he was on medication for few days Then he stopped taking medication and neglected.

Since 2 months the patient developed left sided chest pain which is intermittent in nature . which dragging type,non radiating .

Shortness of breath since 2 months ,which was insidious onset and progressive in nature where the patient used to get SOB on doing small work later he used to get sob on walking for small distance(grade 2 to grade 3). Form the last 7 days he is getting Breathlessness on sitting/resting(Grade 3 to grade 4) not associated with cold and cough ,no postural and diurnal variation ,seasonal variation 

No History of PND

No History of palpitations

No History of excessive sweating 

Past History 

No History of similar complaints in the past

Known History of hypertension since 2 years and he is not on regular medication

No History of diabetes, asthama,Tuberculosis and Epilepsy

Family history 

Not significant

Personal history 


Normal appatite

Regular Bowel and Bladder movement 

Sleep is adequate 

No history of drug allergy

No history of addiction

General examination 

The patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative. Well oriented with time place and person. Moderately nourished and moderately built


Pulse rate-84bpm

Bp-120/80mm of Hg


Temp-afebrile on touch

Respiratory rate-18 bpm

B/L pedal edema is seen(pitting type)

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis ,clubbing and lymphadenopathy 

Systamic examination 

Cvs-Apex beat is felt at left 5th intercostal space,s1 and s2 heard

Respiratory system-crepts present

B/L air entry is present, 

end expiration wheeze ,

Per abdomen examination-

Abdomen is falt

Soft and non tender  

No organomegaly 

Bowel sounds are heard 

CNS-no focal neurological deficits


T.dytor/po/od -5 days

Nebuliser a/W Dulin and Budecort 12th hourly

Salt restriction/2g /day

T.Telma 40 mg po /od in the morning

Lasix 40 mg iv twice a day 

Hydrocort inj 100mg iv 

BP monitoring 4th hourly 

Provisional diagnosis 


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