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27 year old with Giddiness

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment 

Case history:

Cheif complaints:

.A 27yrs old male came to casuality with c/o headache 

and giddiness on and off since 3yrs


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3yrs back then he sustained head injury RTA (bike vs bike). He was presented to  hospital with swelling over left occipital region  and seizure like activity  there was loss of consciousness for 1hr not associated with  ear or nose bleeding, vomiting .where they done 

CT brain and was told to be normal.

And from then he has been having episodes of occipital and parietal region headache , giddiness,palpitations, sweating, and left upper quadrant abdominal pain .

He discontinued intermediate 1st yr 10yrs back  due to family health problems and since then he is helping his father in their printing shop . His father has 3 brothers.His 2 uncle's were expired and his father expired 4yrs back due to some cardiac problems.

2019: He was met with RTA in dec 2019.

2020: After  2months of RTA i.e in Feb 2020 he  lifted heavy weights (house shifting) of his uncle using stairs and after that he got his 1st episode  of dragging type of pain in parietal region, radiating to neck pain,difficulty in breathing with tachycardia, giddiness,sweating anxiety for 10 to 15mins.

Pt didn't particularly mention about Freqency but used to experience this kind of episodes when ever lifting heavy weights or climbing staris / on exertion.

2021 : Episodes frequency decreased.

2022:He got affected with  Covid in Jan 2022.

Post covid patient again experienced episodes of headache and giddiness from March episode is sudden in onset again with sweating, difficulty in breathing with palpitations for 10mins.

Next episode after 1week of previous and went to cardiologist who gave some medication Tab Proponolol 20mg

 Frequency of episodes decreased to 1 episode per month .

Again aggrevated in 2022 november associated with giddiness Used same medication whenever gets episodes.

2023: From then Getting intermittent giddiness episodes associated with numbness over left upper and lower limb.

When ever he is getting episodes he used to stay back in house .

3 weeks back 1 episode of syncopal attack while he was in shop in the afternoon.

Since 1week episodes are aggrevating 6days back  1 episode in house in the night.

Last episode 2days back 2episodes 1 in morning and 1 in the night associated with tingling sensation in ears before the episode and numbness over left upper and lower limbs relieved spontaneously after the attack .

He has h/o Frank blood in stools 1yr back

No H/o fever, vomitings,loose stools,burning micturition,cough,cold.

Daily routine- 

He wakes up at 8am and does his activities and has his break fast (dosa/idly), and he carries his lunch box to shop and  at 1pm(rice and curry) has his lunch and does his work and return back to  house  at 7pm and have his dinner at  9 pm(Rice with curry)  and goes to bed at 10pm but he fall asleep after 40mins / 1hr. Due these episodes his work  got affected.

Past history:


Personal history:- 

occupation : printing press

Diet -veg

Appetite -normal

Sleep - disturbed

Bowel and bladder movements:- Regular.

Addictions:- none

General examination:-

Patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative

Pallor present,

Icterus,cyanosis, clubbing, generalized lymphadenopathy, bilateral pedal edema absent 


BP-130/80 mmhg 


RR:- 20 cpm 

Spo2:- 99% @RA 

GRBS:- 101gm/dl

Systemic examination:-


Patient is Conscious, well oriented to time, place and person.

cranial nerves -

1-sense of smell - present

2-Direct and indirect light reflex present.

3. 3 and 4 and 6- no ptosis , squint , nystagmus.

5-corneal reflex present 

7-fore head wrinkles ( frontalis)

   Eye closure (orbicularis occuli)

   Showing teeth (orbicularis oris)

    Blowing ( buccinator)

  Taste sensation over anterior 2/ 3 of tongue are normal.

8- hearing normal 

9and 10- no deviation of ulva 

 11-shrugging of shoulders present 

12-no tongue deviation.

Motor system

                              Right.   Left


Upper limbs.              N         N

Lower limbs.               N        N


 Upper limbs.               N.          N

 Lower limbs.                  N        N


 Upper limbs.                5/5       5/5

 Lower limbs                 5/5       5/5

Superficial reflexes and deep reflexes are normal 

Gait is normal

No involuntary movements

Meninges :

Neck stiffness - negative 

Kerning sign -negative

Brudzinsk's sign - negative

Sensory system:

All sensations pain,touch, temperature, position, vibration are well appreciated.

Cerebellar signs:

Heel knee incoordinarion : no

Finger nose incoordinarion: no

Per abdomen:


Scaphoid shape of abdomen flat 

Umbilicus: Inverted

No visible pulsation,peristalsis, dilated veins and localized swellings.


Soft, non tender

No signs of organomegally


No fluid thrill, shifting dullness absent


Bowel sounds heard



There are no chest wall abnormalities 

The position of the trachea is central. 

Apical impulse is not observed. 

There are no other visible pulsations, dilated and engorged veins, surgical scars or sinuses. 


Apex beat was localised in the 5th intercostal space 2cm lateral to the mid clavicular line 

Position of trachea was central 


S1 and S2 were heard 

There were no added sounds / murmurs. 


Bilateral air entry is present 

Normal vesicular breath sounds are heard. 


Ent referral:
I/v/o tingling sensation in bilateral ears

Opthalmology referral:



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